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上海翻译公司讲解关于汽车品牌的翻译。对汽车品牌的翻译, 上海专业翻译公司 这样说的:翻译都是依靠词汇量,我们更加注重生活中常常被大家忽略的一些词汇,就好比汽车的车名


  Although translation is based on vocabulary, but in Beijing translation company, we pay more attention to the life of people often neglected some of the words, such as car name translation is very easy to be misinterpreted, Beijing translation company summed up some well-known brands of cars to translate for you, you can see Do you translate correctly in your life?

  关于汽车品牌的翻译之一大众:1933年希特勒在德国掌权时许诺民众,让每个德国家庭都能买得起汽车,为此他特地在沃尔夫斯堡 (Wolfsburg)创建了大众汽车(Volkswagen)。 上海翻译公司指出,Volkswagen一词由“volks(人民)”和“wagen(汽车)”组成,直译过来就是“人民汽车”。

  Volkswagen: When Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933, he promised to make cars affordable to every German family. He created Volkswagen in Wolfsburg. The word Volkswagen consists of "volks" and "wagen," literally translated as "people's cars".


  Mercedes-Benz: Mercedes-Benz's full name is Mercedes-Benz. It's called Mercedes-Benz for short. In fact, it's also called Mercedes for short, but most people call it the first half of Mercedes.


  Acura: Acura is Honda's premium brand launched in 1986. It was originally imported under the transliterated name "Acura", and when it entered China in 2006, it had a new Chinese name - "Acura".

  关于汽车品牌的翻译之四大众悍马,上海专业翻译公司指出,悍马汽车品牌其原名Hummer也是源自HMMWV军车的昵称“Humvee”。Hummer在英文中的意思是“发嗡嗡声之物”,对于 这个解释,您首先会想到什么?没错,就是蜜蜂。如此说来,悍马这个硬派越野车品牌就要被称为“小蜜蜂”了。

  Hummer: its original name Hummer is also derived from the nickname "Humvee" of HMMWV military vehicle. Hummer means "buzzing thing" in English. What's the first thing that comes to mind about this explanation? Yes, it's bees. In this way, Hummer's hard line off-road vehicle brand will be called "little bee".

  关于汽车品牌的翻译之五法拉利:法拉利应该是世界上最著名的跑车品牌了,这三个字甚至已经成为了超跑的代名词,我们都知道它的名字Ferrari来自于其创始人Enzo Ferrari的姓氏。

  Ferrari: Ferrari is probably the most famous sports car brand in the world. These three words have even become synonyms for overrunning. We all know that Ferrari comes from the name of its founder Enzo Ferrari.

  关于汽车品牌的翻译之六沃尔沃:沃尔沃汽车源自瑞典,近年来一直以简约的北欧设计著称,它的历史可以追溯到1915年,当时沃尔沃是瑞典知名轴承制造商SKF的子公司,而它的产品也只 是母公司的传统项目:滚珠轴承。当时SKF给自己的这家子公司取了朗朗上口名字Volvo。

  Volvo: Volvo comes from Sweden and has been known for its minimalist Nordic designs in recent years. Its history can be traced back to 1915, when Volvo was a subsidiary of SKF, a well-known Swedish bearing manufacturer, and its products were just the parent company's traditional items: ball bearings. At that time, SKF took the name of Volvo to his own subsidiary.

  以上是上海翻译公司讲解关于汽车品牌的翻译,小编介绍的几种就是我们常见的一些汽车品牌,在生活或者工作中恰恰是这些被我们熟悉的品牌才会翻译错,所以说细节真的很重要。正朔国际翻译公司是专业的汽车品牌翻译公司,是全国专业人工翻译机构。目前设有上海翻译公司、北京翻译公司、成都翻译公司、天津翻译公司 广州翻译公司、西安翻译公司、重庆翻译公司、南京翻译公司 福州翻译公司、贵阳翻译公司、海口翻译公司、杭州翻译公司 合肥翻译公司、武汉翻译公司、西宁翻译公司、银川翻译公司 郑州翻译公司、济南翻译公司、昆明翻译公司、拉萨翻译公司 兰州翻译公司、南昌翻译公司、南宁翻译公司、沈阳翻译公司 哈尔滨翻译公司、石家庄翻译公司、呼和浩特翻译公司、乌鲁木齐翻译公司等全国人工翻译公司,在处理汽车品牌及汽车相关行业的翻译工作时,正朔翻译有自己的独到的见解和意见,选择汽车行业的专业翻译公司,首选正朔国际人工翻译公司

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